Sunday, June 22, 2008

What Kind Of Degree Can I Get At a Culinary Arts Cooking School? The Culinary Arts Certificate or Diploma Degree

What types of culinary arts degrees are available to the prospective culinary arts student? Culinary arts is offered in some of the community colleges, some vocational and trade schools, and a few four year colleges for those seeking a degree in culinary arts or cooking.

There are a number of different types of programs or degrees offered at culinary arts colleges and cooking schools. The program you decide to take will be determined by your personal career goals. There may be some courses within a culinary arts college that you don't have any interest in, yet they may be required or included in the entire program. Other colleges or cooking schools may let you choose more of a flexible program where you only take the courses you are interested in. Unfortunately, those types of programs are few and far between.

The first and most popular program because of it's shorter length among those considering a culinary arts college or cooking school is the short term certificate or diploma program. These programs can last as little as eight weeks up to several months. Upon completion, the graduate would receive a certificate or a diploma for their efforts.

The student interested in the culinary arts school can take courses in general cooking, baking, restaurant management, or the pastry arts.

In the next blog we will learn about Associate Degree Programs offered by the culinary arts cooking schools. You can find out more at

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